Italian "I Love Meat" Birthday Cake

Tackiest thing in my inbox today: the best of Italian culture (food) and the worst of North American culture (supersized everything). This Italian Birthday Cake is one, I'm certain, would be on the wishlist of a few of my cousins and friends. Proscuitto/suprasata layer cake - tell me you don't want to dig in! Enjoy the photos!

So what do you think? Crazy internet joke or caterer gone mad? I'm thinking its one heck of a groom's cake or bachelor party appetizer.

The Italian Food Pyramid

For the longest time I've complained about diet books or any diet program that tells you to eat poached eggs and tofu. Well I finally found a guide made for Italians!

I'm all for eating moderately and sometimes, yes I need guidance with my diet because the amount of Italian pasteries floating around my house at any time can be shocking. My mom is an expert baker and we are all walking proof of that! But I've always struggled with having to eat foods that I'm not even remotely attracted to or have in the house. Why can't I diet with Italian foods - isn't the mediterranean diet suppose to be great?

It is - which is why there is an Italian food pyramid! All I can remember from my childhood is the Canadian food pyramid (it's since been replaced by a rainbow but the US still uses it) and it had pictures of Wonderbread and apples. This is much better:

pyramid from SEMDA

Finally eggplant for veges, provolone for dairy and calamari for meats! This is something I can follow.
Check out this mediterranean pyramid as well.

It's amazing to see how far things have come. A quick search gives pyramids for a number of cultural groups. I might give the Thai pyramid a try. But these work for me as well:

Italian Wishlist #58: Cucina Rustica

So #1 on my "Italian Wishlist" was citizenship, but, you know...whatever. That didn't work out. I'm on to bigger and better things. I love cooking, especially with fresh ingredients and in the fresh air. So I'm after a cucina rustica. This is what I'm talking about:

 photo via f8 Photo Canada on flickr

In Italy all my relatives in the south have a lovely little building for a cucina rustica steps from their home (ok, it doesn't look anything like the one above). Cucina rustica literally translated is "rustic kitchen." It's a little semi-outdoor cooking area, with a stove and wooden spoons and a big old table, where you can really get down to work making bread and fresh pasta and frying up a storm of fish. They usually look a bit more like this:

photo via Marcus Zeus on Flickr
No matter what they look like (I'd take even half of the one above) for some reason, the food made in a cucina rustica always tastes better. Maybe its the wood stoves or the well-seasoned cookware but there is something about fresh food made old-fashioned that just says comfort. And particularly Italian comfort. The cucina rustica is often the one room where everyone can find a seat, they are just so perfect for the late night dinners with tons of laughter and family.

With bitter winters where I live in Canada, a cucina rustica is not exactly an option (though should I win the lottery...) but that never stopped us from cooking outside besides on the barbeque. My grandfather would often use the portable gas cooker we had around for boiling jars of tomatoes to make huge batches of patate fritta and frittata on the back patio with veges picked right from the garden.

For now I dream of a cucina rustica of my own. Here's some more to drool over (I wish there was food in the pictures!)


It's hard to pick out the actual cucina rustici from designer kitchens made to be rustic. Got some better examples? Show me in the comments!

Images of my Italy

My last trip to Italy was in 2004. We were lucky enough to have my grandfather with us and to have our own apartment for a month in Amantea.

The plan was to go and live there for a bit but that may have to be put on hold for a while. No matter,  Italy is in my heart and memories always. Here's a few photos we took during the last visit. Enjoy.

all images copyrighted to LauraD
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