The Italian Food Pyramid

For the longest time I've complained about diet books or any diet program that tells you to eat poached eggs and tofu. Well I finally found a guide made for Italians!

I'm all for eating moderately and sometimes, yes I need guidance with my diet because the amount of Italian pasteries floating around my house at any time can be shocking. My mom is an expert baker and we are all walking proof of that! But I've always struggled with having to eat foods that I'm not even remotely attracted to or have in the house. Why can't I diet with Italian foods - isn't the mediterranean diet suppose to be great?

It is - which is why there is an Italian food pyramid! All I can remember from my childhood is the Canadian food pyramid (it's since been replaced by a rainbow but the US still uses it) and it had pictures of Wonderbread and apples. This is much better:

pyramid from SEMDA

Finally eggplant for veges, provolone for dairy and calamari for meats! This is something I can follow.
Check out this mediterranean pyramid as well.

It's amazing to see how far things have come. A quick search gives pyramids for a number of cultural groups. I might give the Thai pyramid a try. But these work for me as well:


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